Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Causes of Weight Loss with Acupuncture Through some process that is not yet fully understood, it appears that this increased blood and energy flow somehow curbs the appetite, resulting in a slow and steady weight loss over time with repeated acupuncture sessions. Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine believe that acupuncture restores balance in the body and it may be that the increased sense of well being that is experienced by so many weight loss acupuncture patients also adds to their self esteem and self confidence, which may help to diminish comfort eating. Other practitioners suggest that their acupuncture needles impart a sense of fullness which suppresses the desire to overeat. This, together with a healthy diet program and a few basic lifestyle changes (cut back on sugars, processed carbohydrates and saturated fats and start a program of moderate exercise three-four times a week) can soon make a substantial difference to a patient’s weight. Others assert that acupuncture can speed up your metabolic rate which means you will burn calories faster, adding to a more rapid weight loss.