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Senior Health

Birth, growth and old age are natural order of life progression. We at Nourished Health see a maturity and chance to improve health and delayed premature aging as a main focus for the senior’s health treatment program. As people age, one’s immune, digestive, circulatory, nervous and reproductive system slows down and becomes weak. Therefore, our treatment program focuses specifically at preventative and anti-aging health.

Here is a list of common senior’s health disorders that our clinic treats:

Asthma /Cough /Constipation /Diarrhea/ Eyesight complaints /Eczema/ Hypertension/ High Cholesterol /Hearth arrhythmias/pain  Incontinence /Osteoarthritis/ Rheumatoid/ arthritis /Spinal pain /Urinary tract infection/ Upper/Lower respiratory tract infection/ Urological/Genital complaints Viral/

Female Health

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the oldest medicine in the world to treat gynecological disorders. In TCM, there is always a root imbalance that causes gynecological problems. Therefore, by treating this imbalance, you can eliminate or greatly improve disharmonies and symptoms associated with them. On average, it takes about three months to see complete changes in a condition.

Here is a list of com
mon female disorders that our clinic treats:

Menstrual Problems /Menopausal Symptoms/ No Cycle (Amenorrhea)/ Night Sweats /Acne/ Insomnia Cramps /Hot Flashes (daytime)/ Bloating/ Vaginal Dryness /Breast Distention/ Anxiety /Premenstrual Syndrome /Low Sex Drive /Heavy Prolonged Flow/ Irregular Cycle/ Poly-cystic Ovaries (PCOS) /Skipped Cycles/ Endometriosis /Fibrocystic Breasts /Uterine Fibroids /Prolonged/Irregular Menses/ Depression /Hormonal Migraine

Male Health

Today, men are becoming more involved in their health by talking about the variety of male health and reproductive issues. Moreover, male health has historically been a top priority in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with regard to sexual health and longevity. Presently, treatment plans regarding various male health issues with special focus on fertility, libido, erectile function, and prostate . Due to the way that these disorders affect the quality of a man's life, men have a renewed interest in the quality and longevity of their health.

Here is a list of common male disorders that our clinic treats:
Health Maintenance /Prostatitis /Sports Injuries/ Infertility/ Premature Ejaculation /Thin/Scanty Semen /Nocturnal Emission /Erectile Dysfunction/ Anxiety/Depression /Impotence/ Urinary Issues/ Hernias/Dizziness/ Testicular Pain /Insomnia

Seasonal Health

Seasonal healing is one of the best ways to remind ourselves that it is time to evaluate our health. Our moods and bodies change as the seasons change. In the past, ancient Chinese Physicians have learned how to harmonize their bodies with the world around them. By harmonizing their daily lifestyle with the change in the seasons, they were able to live longer, more productive and healthier lives. Regulated by cycles of light and dark and our Circadian Rhythm, seasonal healing takes a look at staying healthy with nutritional food and food that is local and seasonal to your area. Furthermore, creating a good exercise routine, getting quality sleep and learning the best and safest ways to use herbal medicines to do a seasonal detox and boost our immune system, are important elements in healing with the seasons.
Here is a list of common spring seasonal disorders that our clinic treats:
Allergies /Hay fever /Rhinitis /Asthma /Hepatitis/ Low energy /Migraines/ Depression/ Emotional repression/ Nerve inflammations/ Muscle spasms/ Indigestion